Get in touch

Get in touch

To make it as convenient as possible for you, we offer multiple ways to get in touch. If you have any questions about our treatments or products, please feel free to reach out via the form below or email.

We only answer our email, phone, and social media during business hours, Monday through Friday.

If we are unable to reach you by phone, it’s because we are either busy with a client or you have called us outside of business hours. Please send us a text so we can call you back!

We look forward to helping you!

021 492276 (Leave us a Text)


Clinic Location

85 Saint Lukes Road
Sandringham, Auckland, 1025
New Zealand

By Appointment only:

Tuesday: 11 am to 5 pm

Wednesday: 10 am to 4 pm

Thursdays: 10 am to 1 pm (Online only)

Friday and Saturday: 10 to 4 pm


Use our online booking system